Our curriculum is always changing and evolving based on our cohort of children at the time. However, we base it around the Seven Areas of Learning and the "Three I's".
The "Three I's".
Intent, Implementation, and Impact.
This is a framework for planning and evaluating early years education.
Seven Areas of Learning
Children will enjoy communicating to each other and also members of staff, through gesture and
body language, Makaton, using single words and moving on to simple sentences.
We hope to develop our children's interest in books and listening to stories, singing nursery rhymes, and
joining in with some actions gaining the ability to pay attention and stay focussed on whatever activity they are engaged in.
We will help our children develop a sense of understanding, they will start to respond to simple
instructions and understand and respond to simple questions.
By creating a language rich environment, our children will learn to communicate and interact effectively with people in the world around them. They will be able to speak clearly and understand speech and sounds, share thoughts and ideas and communicate their needs. They will develop acceptable social skills and be able to form connections and friendships with others.
Our children will be happy to come to preschool and will feel safe, building strong relationships with
familiar adults developing the confidence to explore all the areas in our setting and all the opportunities
we provide.
The children will gain confidence in themselves and enjoy playing alongside other children, joining in
group activities sharing resources and eventually making friends.
Our children will feel safe and valued in our setting enough to express their feelings and express their
wants and needs, and begin to understand and cooperate with boundaries.
Our children will feel valued and supported by the important people in their lives and will develop skills to help them interact with others, form positive relationships and good friendships, they will have confidence in their own abilities and developed a positive sense of self and cooperation. These will all provide a secure platform from which our children will achieve at school and in later life.
Children will enjoy moving and climbing in a variety of ways with skill and confidence, they will develop
manipulation and control when using resources for tipping, filling, rolling, digging and building and
develop a secure grip for using mark making resources.
Children will learn to become independent at snack and lunch time, using utensils with minimum mess. They will learn how to put their own coat and shoes on and will become Independent when using the toilet.
By providing our children with repeated and varied physical opportunities and developing their fine and gross motor skills and also their self-help and care skills we will provide a foundation to help them lead a happy, healthy and active life.
Children will listen to stories from books with
interest, will choose books independently and who
will participate at song time with enjoyment.
Children will be enthusiastic about exploring and
using mark making resources and children will be
encouraged to start to give some meaning to the
marks they make.
By introducing books, stories, songs and rhymes to our children we hope to stimulate their imagination and understanding of the world. We hope to develop their language and encourage good listening skills.
By introducing and encouraging mark making we hope to develop our children's hand eye coordination and fine motor skills in readiness for holding pens/pencils for writing.
Children will join in with number songs, say some
numbers in sequence and use some number
names in their play.
Shape, Space and Measure
Children will recognise some daily routines,
children are able to match objects by shape,
colour and size, enjoy puzzles boards and
jigsaws and can use simple language relating to size
and shape.
Shape, Space and Measure
By giving our children opportunities and experiences with numbers and counting on a regular basis we will guide them towards learning that numbers have meanings.
Shape, Space and Measure
By giving our children opportunities to explore shape, space and measure we are helping to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
We intend to develop our children's curiosity about
what they see in the environment, how things work
and grow and help them make connections within
the community.
We will encourage the children to tell us about their friends and families and share any experiences they have had at home. Our children will develop positive attitudes and be accepting of differences.
Enabling our children to investigate, explore and ask questions about their learning environment helps the children communicate, Interact and relate learning to themselves and their own lives.
The children will have a good sense of similarities, differences and diversity helping them make sense of the world around them and preparing them to play an active role as an informed and responsible adult.
We will support the development of the children's
imagination and creativity, the children will have
opportunities to recreate experiences from home
and engage in pretend play, they will enjoy moving
to music, making sounds with musical instruments
and learning and singing songs and rhymes.
The children will enjoy the process of using a variety
of materials and techniques, telling us about what
they have created if they choice to create something
and be able to give some meaning to the finished
By supporting our children to explore a wide range of media and materials as well as providing the children with opportunities to share thoughts and interests through a variety of ways such as art, colour, texture, music, movement, singing, dance and role play we will help them understand their own ideas, feelings, make choices and help them interpret what they observe, hear and respond to.